The big “Is it a Ranking Factor?!” webinar

It’s one of the most frequently asked questions in SEO: What factors into Google’s algorithm? What should I optimize to be able to rank? What should I do first, and what can wait? On Wednesday, June 26th, join Marieke van de Rakt, Joost de Valk, Jono Alderson and me, Jesse van de Hulsbeek, to settle the debate once and for all. We’ll discuss and show what matters most. And the answer might not be what you expect…

What am I going to watch?

The webinar will kick off with a quick-fire round of “Is it a Ranking Factor?!”, with Marieke and Joost telling you exactly what’s what. Then, you’ll get to enjoy a 10-minute rant by our very own Jono Alderson. Suffice it to say, he’s got an opinion on the matter. Then, we’ll cover some important factors in more detail in a round-table discussion. At the end of the show, we’ll do a live Q&A session which allows you to ask our panel of experts any questions you may have. Want to be sure your question is answered? Leave it in the comments and we’ll put it on the list!

How can I attend the webinar?

We’ll stream the webinar on YouTube, so it will be freely accessible to everyone. Visit to attend the stream. You can also subscribe to the Yoast channel on YouTube. Then, you’ll be notified when the stream starts. There will be no login or other requirements. Simply visit the page and enjoy! In the table below, you’ll see when the webinar starts for a number of common time zones.

Add the Ranking Factor webinar to your calendar!

(iCal event: click the link and download the ics file. Open the file, select your calendar and save the date. All the details (URL etc) are included in the event!).

PST (Pacific Time) 11 AM
MT (Mountain Time) Noon
CT (Central Time) 1 PM
ET (Eastern Time) 2 PM
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 7 PM
CET (Central European Time) 8 PM
IST (India Standard Time) 0:30 AM (June 27th)
AET (Australia Eastern Time) 6 AM (June 27th)

If you can’t make it and want to watch the webinar at a later time, no problem. It’ll be freely available on YouTube afterwards.

Original Article

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