Why you should try out the new Yoast SEO analysis

In next couple of months, Yoast SEO 10.0 will see the light of day. In it, you’ll find a brand new SEO analysis. One that’s based on thorough SEO research. Last year, we evaluated all existing assessments and added new ones to make the analysis reflect the search engines of today. You can now try out this brand new analysis! In Yoast SEO 9.4 you can easily switch from the current to the new analysis (and back). So, go ahead and see if your content meets the SEO standards of today! We’d love to hear your feedback.

Why a new analysis?

Search engines evolve. What used to be important a decade ago might not be relevant today. As search engines become smarter, our SEO analysis should too! That’s why we decided to test if all our checks are still relevant.

A multidisciplinary team, consisting of SEO experts, linguists and developers, scrutinized the SEO analysis: Are some SEO assessment redundant nowadays? Should we add new ones? Or change the weight of certain factors? We checked all of them, removed some, added a new assessment and adapted the calculations. For details on the changes in the new analysis, please check the release post of Yoast SEO 9.4.

This video shows why and how we changed the Yoast SEO analysis:

Why try it out?

This is your chance to find out if your content stands the test of time! Try the most advanced SEO analysis out there. See what happens to your posts’ scores. Are they still optimized, do you still get an overall green bullet for your post?

Of course we tested this new version extensively. But before we push this change to millions of Yoast SEO users, we like to see how it works with your content. Your feedback will help us fine-tune the analysis, before we release Yoast SEO 10.0.

What happens if you test?

First of all: don’t fret! Nothing will happen to your posts or their rankings. It’s just the SEO scores that will be recalculated. And that’s what we’re interested in. Did your scores change? Did you get more green or red bullets? How do you feel about the new assessment? Do you think the feedback you get on your content makes sense?

If you participate, we’d like to ask you some questions about your experiences. So, if you switch to the new analysis, you’ll receive two short questionnaires we’d like to ask you to fill out: one a couple of weeks after you switched, and one after you’ve been using it for a while. Please share your thoughts, because we value your feedback!

How do you participate in this test?

Switching is easy. Go to the Yoast SEO settings in the sidebar of your WordPress dashboard. Click on General and select the features tab. You’ll see this screen:

recalibration toggle yoast seo 9.4

Toggle - how to test the Yoast SEO analysis beta.Here you use the toggle to turn on the new Yoast SEO analysis. That’s it! Now your content will be analyzed according to the latest standards in SEO. Don’t like it? You can easily toggle back to the old analysis too!

Make sure that you are updated to Yoast SEO 9.4 in order to try the beta!

Any questions? Feel free to ask them in the comments!

Read more: Yoast SEO 9.4: Help us beta test the new Yoast SEO analysis »

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