I’ve finally found a theme I can commit to & if you’d like to check out the original, go to: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/montezuma
Although the blue is really nice, it doesn’t match my logo so I’ve gone through all of the CSS files & adjusted them accordingly. Editing CSS is a bit different with this theme than others because it is done through Appearance > Montezuma Options > CSS Files. There are 18 CSS files for this theme but I was still able to get this portion done in less than an hour. If you’re like me, I always like to keep the original colors/options documented so I just left a comment on each line that was edited with the original value.
My next customization was adding the That Computer Girl logo instead of the header text that comes standard. This was achieved by editing the header.php which can be found at Appearance > Montezuma Options > Sub Templates. I did run into an issue with linking the logo & if anyone has figured out a fix for this I’m all ears. I’ve tried a standard <a href tag around the image as well as the php flavor. Either way my logo disappears so for now I’m sticking with the logo showing without the functionality.
If you’re new to WordPress, stick around & I’ll share as I go…if you’re a seasoned WP Pro, feel free to share your words of wisdom. 😉
I have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about i must say that i like the look i’m surprised by the pink. just didn’t realize u might like that color. i do like the black then pink scheme. So proud of u computer girl keep it up more will be revealed.
LOL Yeah, I am kinda surprised at the pink myself! 😉 Thank you so much for all your inspiration & believing in me!
I wonder if you would mind letting me know which values and on which style sheet(s) you changed values to make the text pink? All I need is to have it all black – not something I imagined would be a huge problem!
If I could change the blue to black, then all the text would appear black, and that would do fine until a more elegant solution could be found. I’m kind-of OK with CSS and PHP but by no means a coder. Any advice you could give would be warmly received 🙂
Please take a look at the site, I’m sure you’ll see what I mean if I haven’t explained it well enough.
Kind regards,
Hi Colin,
I don’t remember exactly which of the CSS files I had to change – but it was majority of them. In a nutshell, go through each of them & look for the following:
color: #0090d3;
This is the blue used throughout the theme & in order to change it to black you’ll want to replace #0090d3 with #000000 (six zeros).
To document things a bit, each line that I made changes to for this resulted in the following:
color: #ed1e79; /** Original: #0090d3 **/
This way, if I ever need to go back & make changes I’ll know where they were made as well as the original color value.
I hope this helps. Let me know when you get it done – or if you run across any cool stuff for Montezuma!
Thank you!!!
Donna French aka That Computer Girl
Hello Donna and thanks for responding 🙂
I will have a look through – although the only options seemed to relate to links previously, and I don’t want them in black. I will let you know when (if!) I figure out which it is so you can document it definitively.
Your idea of commenting is a sound one, and it’s something I really should do more of. The best laid plans of mice and men…
Back to the code. A very happy new year to you.
Thanks Colin! Happy New Year to you too!
Logo is now linked up to the homepage! A member of the BytesForAll forum suggested I remove the h1 tag from around my logo to achieve this, so what I’ve done is comment out three lines of code until I’ve done more testing to make sure there are no bugs. If you’d like to know specifics just let me know & I’ll be happy to share.
could you please share with me the line code to place logo on top of montezuma 🙂 ?
Take a look at the code I’ve posted at: Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day!
Hi dg, Love the look of your site. The whole pink thing matches with our logo. I think you have some great content to. i will check every now and then.
BTW I am also busy with this theme, but offline using a local host. So i might come to you if I have something to ask, hope you wont mind 😉
After some looking around, I found the fix for the weird arrows that show up in the social sharing area once that is activated. If you’re looking for the same, take a look at this post & you’ll find a couple different options for fixing it. I went with the simple 3 line fix added to the
. If this isn’t the best option, drop me a line & tell me why and the best route for this!
hi, i saw your posting on the montezuma show off topic and was curious how you’re getting your logo on top of the site-title. i have a background image, sort of placeholder for the logo for now, that i am using. but i’m messing with the padding for site-title and it’s just not pretty. would love to get it to sit on top of my site title and tagline. i see you just used your tagline. did you replace site-title entirely? can’t you do both? just thinking out loud here.
otherwise, nice work! i’m a geek too but doing stuff for myself is SO much harder than doing it for clients!
Hi Lee!
Thanks for the kudos. I pasted some code at pastebin for you to see how I did the header. Let me know if I can help with anything else or if you just wanna share some more cool nerd stuff 😉
Thanks! Have a great day!
Hey Donna,
Thanks for the feedback. I’m working on my wife’s site, http://www.thecatsquad.com and I messed around with Montezuma pretty good and probably screwed up a few things too. I’ll look at your code and in addition to the header/image fixes, I have to figure out a way to have a blog on an interior page and a home page that’s also editable. Still figuring stuff out.
Always happy to talk about ‘nerd stuff.’ I really need to just sit down and figure it out. I’m getting lazy I guess, but mainly it’s because I do a lot of other client’s work (besides my wife who, technically is sort of a client).
Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Hi Donna —
I just loaded Montezuma on my server. Not necessarily a blogger and wanted to have the ‘Home’ page static and appear without the ‘comment’ area. Asking if there’s an easy way to do that. Don’t want too much of a challenge. Looked online for anything ‘Montezuma’ and found you.
Any insight is appreciated.
Hi Clifford,
To set the homepage as static, you’ll go into your dashboard for WP & click on Themes > Customize. Once you’re within those options, you’ll have the option to set the homepage to static with the menu on the left side of the page.
The easiest fix I know for disabling comments on your pages is going to be a plugin. There’s one at:
I hope this helps! Keep me posted!
Hi, I’ve found this post very useful so far! What I’m having trouble with is changing the background colour. All stuff I’ve found indicates that the code would be in the content.css, but I can’t find any code that dictates the background colour, and don’t know where I should put code to that effect? Cheers!
Hi Daniel,
When you go into content.css you’ll see a section titled “BODY for text”..within that code you’ll need to add a line:
background-color: #666;
#666 being whatever background color you’re wanting to use of course. I hope this helps! Let me know.
i’m also trying this wonderful theme.
I see many blue colors in this theme, like portfolio, contact, etc.
To change this you have to open the icons.png in gimp, go to colors->map->change colors and set the origininal and the final color.
Thank you Sergio! I’ll give that a try this weekend & hopefully can get the icons coordinated with the rest of my site.
Hi Donna,
I’m trying to use the custom icons and followed the steps but it doesn’t change the icons at the top. Below is an example of the code i copied and pasted into the menu1.menu.css file:
#menu1 .donate-now > a > i { background-position: 0px -1272px; }
donate-now is page name and -1272 is the icon I’m trying to use.
Even when i deleted all of the others and replaced with my own nothing happens. Thoughts?
My friend is cycling across canada for cancer and I want his site to be as nice as possible.
Thanks for your time
Hello Lenny,
What I ended up doing is editing menus_menu1.css and adding the following code at the very bottom of that file:
/* --- Custom Menu Icons (edited 1.30.2013) ---*/
/* Part 1- for default state: */
#menu1 .page-about > a > i { background-position: 0px -816px; }
#menu1 .page-contact > a > i { background-position: 0px -1008px; }
#menu1 .page-portfolio > a > i { background-position: 0px -1176px; }
#menu1 .page-resources > a > i { background-position: 0px -1872px; }
#menu1 .page-services > a > i { background-position: 0px -168px; }
/* Part 2 - for hover state: */
#menu1 .page-about:hover > a > i, #menu1 .about.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -816px; }
#menu1 .page-contact:hover > a > i, #menu1 .contact.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -1008px; }
#menu1 .page-portfolio:hover > a > i, #menu1 .portfolio.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -1176px; }
#menu1 .page-resources:hover > a > i, #menu1 .resources.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -1872px; }
#menu1 .page-services:hover > a > i, #menu1 .services.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -168px; }
Let me know if this doesn’t work for you & I’ll do my best to help.
Hi Donna…thanks! I will give a shot and let you know.
I haven’t tried putting it at the bottom of the file. I have only put it in the middle.
I will let you know.
Do you comment out the other references to the menus or just leave them there?
It still doesn’t work though.
I left it there. Not exactly a best practice as far as performance but I wanted to leave enough of a trail for myself if I ever wanted to revert back to the original setup.
I did too.
Soooooooo I’m not bright.
I forgot to put the .page prefix before the page titles, that’s why it didn’t work.
I also deleted the page cache and ta-daa!!
Thanks Donna
LOL I’m glad you got it working!
Hi Donna..Got a problem in changing the menu icons..i have read the comments..still couldnt get it right..can u help me doing it step by step?
Thanks in advance
check your email..
Hello – do you mind sharing the menus_menu1.css HTML. I am sure I am missing something but I can’t seem to change the ICONS
Hello Vargas, If you’ll look at my response to Lenny above…you’ll see the CSS to use icons from the sprite that’s provided. Let me know if you need any more help! Thanks!!!
Is there a way to also change the color of the different icons that appear grey until you hover above them? (the conversation icon next to the post, the top icons next to “About”, “services” etc, and the side icons next to “Categories”, “Recent Posts” etc). When I hover above them they turn blue and not pink.
I finally got around to learning how to do part of this for thatcomputergirl.com and will be publishing a full post on it with screenshots in just a few minutes. This will change the colors on the top navigation menu icons & I’m assuming the process is the same for the rest, just a matter of figuring out what file needs to be changed.
Hi Donna,
Thanks for this page,it has been really useful.
Could you tell me, how do you put those logos “Blogdash” and “attendee..” in the side bar?… and they are links. Really good.
I’ve tried to work it out and failed.
Thanks in advance.
Hello Ian,
I dragged the “text” widget into the sidebar area & wrote the HTML. Do you need help with the HTML for this or were you trying to figure out how to place items within the theme?
Thanks for reply Donna,
Yes I got that it was based around the text box. But can’t work out where to go from there. Have you put it in the title bar of the text box or just in the main body.
I’m obvioualy making a mistake with my html. I have tried various image widgets, but I can’t get them to work at all.
Help! Please
Just leave the title for the text widget blank then insert your HTML into the body of the widget. You’ll have to upload your image first using the Media portion of your WordPress dashboard. Here’s some sample code for you:
very interesting. I wonder if th eproblem is elsewhere. Your sample code has come up on my screen as a small box witha red cross in it.
I have images uploaded and have been using:
Neither work.
The link in between the “” is copy and pasted from the image link in the media library. I am sure it is correct.
Thanks for help.
It seems to have deleted the code I put in the last comment.
Hi Donna
The theme looks great in the way you’ve applied it to match your logo. Thanks for your tips on changing the default blue.
I was wondering if these changes (specifically the second parts of the text and the menu icons) would be lost if the theme gets updated. It seems like the changes are only made to the parent?
Kind regards,
I have just applied all updates to the WP core as well as the theme and did not lose any customizations. 🙂
I seem to have disabled the comments on my individual blog pages in the Montezuma theme. Do you know how I can re-enable them?
Hi Margaux,
Take a look at Settings > Discussion and see if your problem is there. If that’s not where your problem is let me know & we’ll go from there.
~ Donna